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It is a tropical root crop, one of the worlds three major potato starch (potato, cassava, sweet potato) sources. Widely grown in most parts of Thailand, Thailands annual production of about twenty million tons of fresh cassava roots, half of which is processed into cassava and cassava grain, the rema

There are a lot of potato starch on the market and there are also be a lot of starch figure among the living such as tapioca pear in the Pearl milk tea ,Senior pasta, a variety of pasta and so on. But do you know which machine to produce high quality potato starch out of it? There is a production lin

Tapioca Flour Machine

  • Jul 15, 2016

Tapioca is a sub-shrubs, perennials. Tuberous roots were cylindrical, of different varieties, tuber number and thickness differences. It is staple foor for African countries and it is very important for them. The cassava root contains a high amount of starch containing proteins, fats and ash is rarel