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Tapioca Flour Machine
  • Jul 15, 2016
Tapioca is a sub-shrubs, perennials. Tuberous roots were cylindrical, of different varieties, tuber number and thickness differences. It is staple foor for African countries and it is very important for them. The cassava root contains a high amount of starch containing proteins, fats and ash is rarely accounted for 25% to 32%, the starch content of fresh cassava tuber. Tapioca flour making machine is to process raw cassava roots/tubers into food-grade flour.

Tapioca flour making machine using the wet process of starch production, do not add any additives, the entire process is mature technology, advanced equipment, scientific, rational process. Starch production process is the material lifting - cleaning and peeling - the broken solution → screening and filtering → concentrated refined - dehydration → drying - packing.  Seven main Section design. Especially for crushing section, National Pantent Crusher is used to broken solution and screening Section, smash through the multi-level, multi-level filtering, multi-stage extrusion followed by a unique process cycle, with low energy consumption starch extraction rate, starch and good quality, improve production line efficiency and flour extraction rate.  

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